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Our Story


started in May 2014 (A division of MyKWEST Solutions, Hyderabad) is a boutique Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) services consulting firm, partnering with organizations on their DE&I initiatives to bring about real cultural transformation across the company, for a more inclusive, equitable, and happy workforce, with our embedded or stand-alone interventions.

Unleashing the potential of talented women to achieve the CxO levels is not only ‘the right thing to do’ to keep them engaged with the organization, but also a business imperative for a more productive, competitive and profitable business.

Our full-service customized DE&I solutions include needs analysis, effective strategies and appropriate interventional programs that achieve measurable outcomes and sustainable change for gender balanced and safe workplaces.

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is in our name: ANANYA means Unique. It means second to none. We Celebrate Uniqueness and Embrace Differences.

Our Mission

To build organization culture where inclusion becomes a norm, uniqueness is celebrated and differences embraced.

What we do

  • Ananya-Women@Work partners with organisations to co-create solutions that helps them foster a culture of Inclusion at all levels. We support organisations to bridge the gap between intent and action, policy and implementation, compliance and building the spirit of DEI in
  • We provide consulting, training, mentoring, coaching and other interventions, to an organisation where a
  • The current state of affairs boast of a number of DEI initiatives, there exists a huge gap between intent and action, policy and implementation, compliance and the spirit of DEI,